The Mat & Eau team

Mat & Lolo, the Mat&Eau rafting co-founders

Mat & Eau, state-certified guides, welcome you all the season on the rivers of the South of France to make discover you the most beautiful course of Roya, Vésubie,Var, or Verdon…

In short…

Enthusiasts of kayak since their youngest age, they evolved in their sport thanks to the competition and of numerous rivers worldwide (Africa, Zambezi, The Nile, Nepal, Europe, France, Ubaye, Ardèche, Italy, Dora Baltea, etc. …) then, the logical result urged them to cross their diplomas (patent of state canoé kayak and associated disciplines, more qualification high river, canoe, raft and hydrospeed) to share you of their skills and their passion for the running water.

Mat & Eau Rafting!

Today, they are happy to present you their new internet space where you can find the best of the sports of waters lively. Do not hesitate to call us for any piece of information on Mat&Eau, or on activities, or to use our contact form.

N° Jeunesse et sport 05.04.13
Siret 452.944.788.000.10