Contact and access
Address, phone number, map, contact form... Everything you need to contact us or to find us!Join us by phone
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If we are not reachable immediately, we are on the water! Then let a message, we call you back very quickly…
Mat : +33(0)6 81 56 21 56
Where we are
31 Avenue des Combattants en AFN,
06540 Breil-sur-Roya
GPS coordinates of the shop : North 43° 56′ 25.3″ et East 7° 30′ 59.00″
In car, from Nice
Take motorway A8 in direction of Vintimille (Italia), exit at Vintimille and direction Breil-sur-roya (col di tenda ss20).
Meeting point at the shop 700m after your enter on town on the right side after the bridge.
DO NOT LEAVE HIGH WAY AT MENTON to join Breil-sur-Roya by Sospel, you will be on a mountain road.
By train, from train Nice ville station
Take the train at gare Nice ville and exit at gare de Breil-sur-Roya. Our shop is situated at 300m of the station in the direction of the village. Schedule: inquire with the SNCF – French National Railway Compagny (follow this link).